Super Mario Day

Happy S uper M a r i o Day You know that game? The one with the short guy, trying to defeat the huge turtle who always sings a song called "Peaches, peaches, peaches" and kidnapped a princess whose names is Peach. Jeez, that turtle likes peaches a lot. Wonder where he gets them from. Walmart? Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The point is that the game is called Super Mario Bros and it is awesome (that's what Bowser things of Peach). The main character is this dude named Mario and he's a plumber. That is until he wanders into the sewers and falls through a pipe into the Mushroom Kingdom. So to celebrate this guy, March 10th is Super Mario Day. What to do on Super Mario Day - If you live in California, like me, go visit Universal Studios Hollywood. Buy some Mario stuff. These are some links - Lucky Block Nightlight , Goomba Stuffed Toy , Mario Clothes , Mario Slap B...